Gas prices drop to lowest average since 2009

By STEVEN RAY HERNANDEZ  ChartsSchool Buses pic

Simply put, the whole pumping gas experience is not as painful of an ordeal as it used to be.

Currently, gas price averages have dropped to the lowest since 2009, and have pretty much been sliced in half since it peaked at nearly $4.00 a gallon back in May of 2011.
A quick drive around town and it’s hard to find any store not offering unleaded gasoline for more than $2.00 a gallon, a notion that has many local citizens pleased.
“Usually, I don’t make a big deal about gas prices no matter the price, but when it drops to this low, you really notice the difference in your wallet each month,” said San Benito resident Juan Avilar. “I’m literally saving an extra $40-$50 a week, which means an extra night out to eat for me and the kids,” he added.
On Thursday, the lowest gas price reported in San Benito was at the local Wal-Mart, where it was being advertised at $1.96 a gallon. However, several reports came in of gas prices as low as $1.93 and $1.94 in Rio Hondo and Los Fresnos. It was also reported that gas had dropped to as low as $1.85 at a convenience store in Edinburg off of University Drive.

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