Limón returns to work; tackles staffing, insurance at SBCISD

Staff Writer

(Staff photo by Francisco E. Jimenez) Superintendent Antonio G. Limón is shown at the SBCISD John F. Barron Administration Building, where he returned to work on Thursday.

(Staff photo by Francisco E. Jimenez)
Superintendent Antonio G. Limón is shown at the SBCISD John F. Barron Administration Building, where he returned to work on Thursday.

San Benito CISD Superintendent of Schools Antonio G. Limón is back on the job after over a year of being on paid suspension.

On Thursday afternoon, the San Benito News caught up with Limón as he worked through stacks of paperwork in the conference room of the John F. Barron Administration Building.

“First of all, I’m very thankful,” Limón said Thursday. “I thank God that I’m back. I’m very happy to be back. It’s been a very busy day and a very productive day. There’s a lot of things that required action, a lot of things we needed to take care of. As you can see, there are a lot of different folders throughout the room, and I’m slowly going through them and trying to get caught up and get ready for next school year.”

Want the whole story? Pick up a copy of the June 8 edition of the San Benito News, or subscribe to our E-Edition by clicking here.


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  1. Thanks for confirming why they are pushing so much to change our insurance carrier! Great video and evidence that Bob Trevino does take care of his board members! Listen people, when you have board members with no education( Medrano and Padilla), furthermore, Medrano without a job it’s a great formula for corruption. Who, doesn’t like to make easy money , but the sad thing, it’s at our expense. These board members ( Anna Cruz, Medrano,Leal and Padilla) will pay the piper for their actions that are completely against what’s right for our district… Something just doesn’t smell right with board at all!!!! I’m sure the FEDS will have a field day in our district! It’s to bad…

    • Working together on June 17, 2014 at 8:59 am
    • Reply

    San Benito needs to move on!! School board continue to believe on what is right for the district. Listen to your hearts and not to people that continue to bring the school district down. Focus on getting the district on the right path. Do away with the favoritism, give jobs to people that merit them, work together. God Bless

  2. It’s been a month since the new board took office and little has been exposed of their agendas. YG was in the news paper weekly with Anna Cruz and Medrano attacking her and now that’s limon’s back on the helm everything is quiet, and seems to running smooth, NOT! The facts about our insurance coverage should be exposed, so the tax payers can see what our wonderful board is up too. AP knows about the monies that were over paid to our district for lack to leadership and accountability on Limon’s behalf, and your talking about Millions of Dollars people and the board just ignores this huge issue! Its very clear we have an ineffective board that will not be honest and transparent! I’m sorry people but AP is a puppet and will never change his self centered ways. These board members need to be exposed and the truth needs to be told, we the tax payers need to know what is going on internally in our school district. It’s a fact that AP is not for the students nor the staff of San Benito School District and his another hired puppet! That’s just to bad..

    • For Our Children on June 16, 2014 at 10:49 pm
    • Reply

    Tonights meeting the Finance Meeting bumped the insurance presentation and scheduled it tomorrow for the regular meeting. No explanation was done on why? It makes people think that a hostile decision will be made tomorrow to to open the insurance up for proposals. SIG saved the District about $1,000,000 when they came on board. Whats amazing No Loss Ratios have been presented, not ever a request to see the renewal? Mr Limon and board please see the following video:
    if you think your Compadre Bob is the answer? your wrong, You and the board will be bring such Shame to SBCISD that we will be the laughing stock of the Valley.

      • Only a matter of time on June 17, 2014 at 12:21 pm
      • Reply

      Excellent! This is what people need to see. Corruption at its best ! Can’t wait till the video and recordings of Limon, Oscar, Anna, and Bob surface. ONLY A MATTER OF TIME!

    • Robert on June 16, 2014 at 7:14 pm
    • Reply

    We shall wait and see

  3. The obvious board members who are pushing for Bob Trevino: Medrano who has no job nor kids in the district. Anna Cruz has no kids in the district and than you have Hector Leal who had family in the district but never stands for what’s rite just a plan puppet for whoever takes care of him and his business. Limon extremely close to Bob Trevino, so there you have the push for BoB Trevino.. It’s to bad but things will never change in our town because just don’t care and the people that do, don’t have enough family votes and money to go against these politically controls morons !! Good luck SB

  4. @ Reform San Benito
    You seem to be very calm about this whole mess, you must not be directly affected by these political changes! Get a grip, the tax payers, parents and school staff are starting to critique the boards irrational decisions. Why, because they spend more time grandstanding and politically trashing each other but we never see positive results by the group complaining. We have to applaud the board members who voted SIG, this has been the best insurance we’ve had in over 12 years( thank you board members- for the exception of Anna Cruz, Medrano and Leal who voted against it). That should tell you people who has you best interest at stake. In closing, I just hope applaud the attention and interest the people are taking on the board actions.

      • Reform San Benito on June 16, 2014 at 10:26 pm
      • Reply

      How many times has this board assembled since they were elected? Twice? Three times? If any one is acting irrational, it’s those like you. What a bunch of idiots.

      Can you tell us the cost of SIG vs. the previous insurer? Until you can answer that question, Don’t tell us how good it is.

    • WeThePeople on June 15, 2014 at 1:24 pm
    • Reply

    Ronnie Garcia, Chon Lopez, Joe D Gonzalez, Tumerlinson each have ONE vote. Their coalitions mean nothing. They are just bullies from the other side of the coin. The only thing they are good at is working the graveyards for dead voters, the home health providers for people with dementia and conniving any way they can to STUFF the ballot box.
    The only reason for the outcome was that the community voted at least SOME of the STUPID out…they were just sick and tired on the other Bully CIRCUS courtesy of Chuy and the Gang.

  5. @Zeke V
    You just don’t get it! Let me explain for the people who act clueless… First thing, you are correct the previous majority changed the insurance, but what you fail to understand or recognize it’s that it’s a much better product plus saves us employees money.. Secondly, I like that fact that I can of to my local Pharmacy and keep the business in San Benito. The focus is in political agendas and favors but we the people are the ones that pay the price$$$… When is all this crap gonna stop!! Zeke hopefully when the FEDS come in and clean house you’ll have a totally different perspective about the corruption in our school politics!! I will promise you one thing, all the folks in the sidelines wanting to control are going to throw everyone under the bus when the FEDS come investigating… Can’t wait!!! Good day and Board look out for your staff and children…

      • Reform San Benito on June 16, 2014 at 10:56 am
      • Reply

      Here’s A Clue, would you agree that it was wasteful to pay two superintendents for a year? Limon received approximately $15,000/month while the other two received roughly the same. In essence, the board spent $15,000/month needlessly for an entire year. Had they conducted their investigation, say, in two months, they could have saved a lot of money. Can we agree that amount would’ve been better spent on the children of the district?

      What if we learn, through Limon’s inspection and comparative analysis of both insurance carriers — SIG vs. any other carrier — that the district could save $15,000/month by switching to Geico, err, another carrier? Would that not be in the best interest of the children of our district if that money was spent on them?

      People, everyone needs to calm down. Whether it’s Limon or another super, the budget needs to be prepared or, at least reviewed, for the next fiscal year, and any super doing his/her due diligence will look at ALL expenses, including health care expense. The two interim supers didn’t look at the insurance because they inherited the budget; was not necessary to analyze. Now that the new school year is close at hand (sorry kids!), all expenses need to be scrutinized.

      If those affected by the health insurance calmly and rationally approach the new board with their concerns, perhaps this new board will listen and weigh the pros and cons of the SIG health care vs. any other. Maybe the board will be willing to spend more for user-friendly insurance that caters to the needs of their employees. Maybe this board and the employees can work together to reach a compromise — spend a little more for better coverage in lieu of pay raises this fiscal year.

      Maybe, just maybe, for the first time in awhile, this district’s board and its employees can work together as a team for the best interest of our children. It’s not inconceivable. As long as this issue is approached calmly and rationally, it just might benefit all involved.

    • Old maintenance worker on June 14, 2014 at 8:33 pm
    • Reply

    Here is break down of SB voting group. Tumberlinson voting block 1100 votes, Huerta voting block 800 votes, Joe D voting block 1150 votes. Any combination of those voting blocks can win an election while the other 22, 000 voters stay home. The Huerta block is now being vocal because the new board is doing what they did on insurance. Nothing illegal just plain politics!

    • Zeke V. on June 14, 2014 at 6:38 pm
    • Reply

    Amazing that all of the sudden, people are concern with what the board is doing. Give me a break! YG, FH, JH, and JA did THE EXACT SAME
    THING! We have not forgotten THAT INSURANCE LETTER, YG. The TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY had to even send her and the district a letter.
    The one thing sure to come out this week, after all these board meetings, is that this DISTRICT IS IN A FINANCIAL MESS! Stand tall new board members and DO THE RIGHT THING!

    • Roel Farias on June 14, 2014 at 2:27 pm
    • Reply

    To Rosalinda Garcia,
    Your barking up the wrong tree!!!

    • A Parent on June 14, 2014 at 1:02 pm
    • Reply

    Dont be a ” Weenie” Mendez. I saw u at the Awards Assembly.. U NEED TO SPEAK UP .. IF u ran for school board member to represent our students . Speak up .. whats in your thoughts .. Dont let other people make choices and use u as their (puppet).. get my point!

  6. You better believe we are going to be their in masses at the meeting Monday. I want to see what excuse the board is going to use to discredit SIG insurance and recommend Bob Trevino. The main problem, is the board members are not affected by the continuing insurance changes every year because their not employees in our district. I grantee you is they were directly affected and they had to pay an extra $100 more a month for family coverage they would decline.. The whole purpose of elected officials is for them to make objective decisions that benefit our children and staff, not for their personal gain. If this deal goes thru the FEDS should really focus on San Benito and trust me heads will roll… People, when you attend the meeting just focus on the audience and if you notice people that rarely go and all of a sudden are extremely interested in the meeting those are the people pushing for Bob Trevino let me give you a few obvious clowns( Ronnie Garcia, Chon Lopez, Joe D Gonzalez, Tumerlsion, ect). So the pressure for the board members to do the wrong thing is enormous because they have to satisfy and please all these people and return favors at our expense.. If the insurance changes again and is given back to Bob Trevino or if any agency where Bob is associated, I really hope this causes a red flag and law enforcement get involved and if they do, there will be several empty seats on the board that will need to be filled!!! The Ball is on your court- Coalition ( Arnold Padilla, Hector Leal, Anna Cruz , Medrano, Mendes). By the way, it didn’t take Mendes long to be a follower not a leader! Horrible can’t stand for himself.. We already have that on the board one more follower!!! Gee.. Done! We’re in trouble in SB …

    • RosalindaG.Garcia on June 13, 2014 at 10:52 pm
    • Reply

    To Typical Nonsense:

    Are you surprised that O Hanalon gave a political contribution to Oscar Medrano and others? I was. Even if he would not have given a contribution, I still feel he is an excellent attny. that the previous board ditched. I feel he will give good legal advise to keep the district out of litigation. I was very impressed with him at board meetings when he was the school attny.

    Now this is just an opinion people, don’t get feisty. Hiring a football coach is not my specialty, nor an attny. nor a superintendent, or a principal. The school board and superintendent are hired or elected to do so.

    Thank you for reading my blog!

  7. It’s extremely entertaining and at the same time sad at what our school politics as turned out to be. Taxpayers investigation on Sub-Par Sup sealed as per newly elected board! Second, not once has the board pres. Spoke about the millions of dollars the school will need to pay back because of Limons horrible leadership and he still getting paid! By the way, the board knew about these financial errors before Limon got reinstated!! Bad move!!! I guess YG was just following the trend that her predecessors before her left because AP is doing just as bad or worse!! At least she went against the grain, AP is following Tumberlisons leads.. SAD… But that’s what we wanted change and we got worse… We got punked BAD… Never again!!

    • No Surprises Here on June 13, 2014 at 9:08 pm
    • Reply

    What this “new” board is doing is exactly what YG did with her puppets did for the past years.
    Why are people surprised? AP and his Crew have been planning this for months. Just listen to their close friends and they will tell you. Yes, their close friends are bragging around town. You never know who is listening. Get ready. The fun is just beginning.
    WELCOME BACK MR. LIMON>>>> hope you run for school board next year. That would be really be a show.

    • Grammar Police on June 13, 2014 at 7:58 pm
    • Reply

    Ya know, reading these threads saves me money on movies and entertainment. There’s drama and comedy, suspense and drama…mostly, a lot of comedy. And drama. Lots of drama. Thanks, neighbors!!

      • Rianne Fontanot on June 14, 2014 at 8:07 pm
      • Reply

      Grammar Police: Love your comment!

  8. @ RGG- Whack Job,
    Of course you prefer O’halon he supported your candidates with a nice political donation of $2k each, and that makes us wonderful the promises that were made!! That’s so obvious is disgusting… By the way, that does not include all the additional money’s that these candidates got for favors.. All we need to do is focus on the upcoming changes and that will illustrate the corruption on our newly elected school board.. Good day !!!

    • Mayo on June 13, 2014 at 4:49 pm
    • Reply

    Who are on the committees?

  9. @ RGG- Whack Job,
    Of course you prefer O’halon he supported your candidates with a nice political donation of $2k each, and that makes us wonderful the promises that were made!! That’s so obvious is disgusting… By the way, that does not include all the addition money’s that these candidates got for favors.. All we need to do is focus on the upcoming changes and that will illustrate the corruption on our newly elected school board..

    • RosalindaG.Garcia on June 13, 2014 at 12:31 pm
    • Reply

    Finance Committee Meeting on Monday at 5:30 p.m. Just because my candidates won doesn’t mean everything is ok. A lot of decisions to be made. Attend finance committee meeting to find out how they intent on allocating funds, etc.

    I still would like for them to investigate that infamous insurance letter that had a forged signature if I recall. How about the money missing in the band booster acct.? How about the tablets that were purchased from a board member’s father? How about a board members sister being promoted to supt. secretary? How did that happen?
    I wonder if they are going to hire O Hanalon back after the previous majority fired Gus Acevedo, then hired O Hanalon, and then fired him. In my opinion, O Hanalon was an excellent choice of an attny. from the previous majority four. And of course, it was Anna Cruz that made the excellent research and recommended him. And at that time, Yliana, the Huerta’s, and June, all voted along with Anna Cruz to hire O Hanalon. I would like to see him back. But yet, that’s only my opinion.

  10. @ Old Maintenance worker,
    Now it makes sense, why Mr.Limon is pushing for Bob Trevino Insurance so he can fund his campaign. Ignorance is always exposed and the agenda always rise to the forefront. I would be extremely surprised if Limon runs for school board, gee he was a horrible sup can you imagine board member, please.. We’re trying to clean the mess not add more trash.. I guess we’ll leave it up to the taxpayers to make that decision… Once again vote Smart!!

    • Pedro G. on June 13, 2014 at 10:26 am
    • Reply

    Why doesn’t Limon park in the front of admininstration building so that he can greet his employees? He parks in the back so he can come and go as he chooses. The previous 2 interims had no problem coming in through the front and were more personable.
    Only in SB can a person who has been accused and witnessed to be sexually harassing other employees be allowed to work. Wow! Also, a person who can use school property for his own personal use and put the kids and schools at risk because of his lack of leadership be allowed to work. I guess SB is the place to work, where people can sexually harass other people and do as they so choose. SB is the place where even if you are not qualified to be a super or any other job you have been hired to do you can get away with it by hiring consultants for this and for that. SB needs to hold their staff accountable and hire individuals who truly have the school districts and childrens interest at hand. These issues were allowed and condoned by the previous majority and now this majority. It is evident that this board is heading in the same direction as the previous majority. Wake up SB! Get involved and speak for what is right. No more I sratch your back and you scratch mine. If you are not qualified or competent enough to hold your job then get out.

    Rola, D. Garcia keep on doing your corruption, only in SB!

    • Old Maintenance Worker on June 12, 2014 at 9:01 pm
    • Reply

    Here is the inside scoop. Limon is pushing the board to hire a superintendent as soon as possible. He is not hiring an assistant superintendent so the new superintendent can have a choice. Limon then plans to retire to run for school board against Y. Gonzalez. So stop your bickering he will be gone by January to get ready for the election. Limon 2015!!!!!!!

    • Enlightened on June 12, 2014 at 5:18 pm
    • Reply

    It’s amazing to me that it has taken this long to see the light and read the writing that is on the wall. The purpose of a school board and school district is to ensure the education of the children of the community. Administrators and other personnel are hired to ensure that the needs of said children are being met. Past school boards (not just the current one that was voted out), past administrators, and current administrators have had their efforts focused elsewhere and not on the education of the children of San Benito. They have made questionable decisions on matters of staffing and spending. But this has been occurring routinely for years. But no one has bothered to take notice until recently when the favoritism became so blatant and could no longer be ignored. Wake up, San Benito! Become involved, attend meetings, question decisions, and get informed from credible sources. Remember the few years when student achievement was low? Who was in charge and in a position to do something about it? The Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum (who is now the current mayor) couldn’t seem to get a handle on how to improve scores. The best solution offered was to move administrators around the district. and hope for the best. Are these the solutions we need? Let’s keep the same ineffective people in an administrative position and move them to somewhere they can do the least harm? Meanwhile, the students are the real losers in the whole equation. The administration shuffle that has occurred for the past few years has to end and hard looks at effectiveness need to be taken. Bring some sense of stability back to the district and deal with ineffective staff and administration (not just by shuffling them around). These are the hard decisions that need to be deliberated and have to be made. And that’s what current board and administration have to be held accountable for.

    • More On on June 12, 2014 at 2:00 pm
    • Reply

    I just can’t understand why Mr. Limon is not a well qualified super and must have consultants for this and for that. I mean, seriously? I also know that this board wants to bring in the new SB mayor to be a consultant for the school district once she retires. Come on! Seriously?? That is ridiculous. It’s all about what Mr. Limon and his clan can do to try to help those they know, sure because it is not coming out of their pockets! Next he will probably hire a consultant to evaluate the consultants and so on and so forth. Come on people!
    This board is doing what the previous board did, WASTE OUR TAXPAYERS MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Zeke V. on June 12, 2014 at 11:31 am
    • Reply

    What workshop next week?

  11. @ Truth
    The truth is Mr.Limon and his administration have ruined our schools district and children’s education. WHY hasn’t he been held accountable for the horrible job he has done? You guys that are concerned with Mr.Limon suing the district must not have children in the school district because no amount of money can be put on the children’s education. Why did the new board give his dude a 2 year contract.. Da, it’s called agenda and once again our children are put on the back burner..
    Something needs to happen fast!!!

    • Belinda on June 12, 2014 at 9:01 am
    • Reply

    Que I received a call and so the rumors start, she said, he said. Reliable source said this and that but they never come up front with anything. Some people just like the attention of drama. Aye Dios Mio!! Besides your reliable source needs to get back to work and ask those board members about her/his question and attend the workshop next week.

      • Roll over and play dead on June 12, 2014 at 10:40 pm
      • Reply

      Belinda give me a break, you know and I know how vindictive people can be In our district so get your head out of the sand. I am not going to put people in harms way. Furthermore, I do agree that we need to let the super do his work, but evaluate him right. If he is not meeting his goals, and the schools are showing unfavorable results then the board needs to take action. But, we need to keep an eye on his recommendations, he could make some ridiculous recommendation to a group of inexperienced board member, a prime example of this is the health insurance issue. To try to open it up for quotes and not having a complete year with no true loss ratios available, nor a renewal quote to evaluate where the district stands. But, this type of decision making shows what kind of personal agenda he probably has in store for the district. Supers can be street smart because most board member not all are ignorant when it comes to many operations of a school district. We need to evaluate the type of people we elect for these positions. I prefer a proven business minded leader, or an educator that understands the operations of a school district, but if those take advantage of limited power then if you play by the sword, you will lose by the sword.

    • TRUTH on June 11, 2014 at 11:58 pm
    • Reply

    I am reading all of these blogs from a lot of people complaining about the new majority board! However, I find it odd that there are so many complaints yet this “NEW” majority won by a landslide!!!
    Why is that? June lost by over 1,000 votes! Why is that?? All the rest won by over 400 votes! Why is that?
    Am I missing something here?? How about you stop complaining and let’s see what this NEW board majority has to offer! Obviously the OLD majority was not well-liked due to the fact that they lost HUGE!!!
    One thing is certain, San Benito seems to be the same old city full of the most ignorant people in the RGV!
    I hate to say it but this town seems to be cursed with STUPID! When you have people bashing a great group of guys that desire to do what is right in the school district and correct all the wrong-doings that the old board left behind, I can’t find any other word to use except STUPID!!


      • Coincidence on June 12, 2014 at 9:50 am
      • Reply

      How about dumb, foolish, unwise, irresponsible, crazy, irrational, hasty.

    • Stability For The Children on June 11, 2014 at 11:05 pm
    • Reply

    I received a call early today from a very reliable source within the Dist. That person tells me that the Super and new board members A and O advised certain personnel “how can we get Bob Trevino back? What secret agenda is that all about? Hope it’s not true. We need to attend the workshop next week.

      • Coincidence on June 12, 2014 at 10:04 am
      • Reply

      Well, unless you can really verify it as TRUTH, there’s no sense in spreading rumors around. This is exactly why we are in the predicament that we are in now. Let’s see. I just received a call early today from a very, very, very reliable source within the LFCISD. That person tells me that a certain board member Y or is it Z, well anyways, that board member Y is leaving to be the superintendent at another district. Hope it’s not SBCISD. We need to stop spreading rumors, gossip or “chisme” as you may all know it by.

        • More On on June 12, 2014 at 1:53 pm
        • Reply

        You are doing just that, “spreading rumors, gossip, or “chisme” as you may all know of it”.
        Only in SB.

          • coincidence on June 12, 2014 at 5:18 pm
          • Reply

          More On, or should I say Moron
          Have you heard of sarcasm? D.A.

      • ATX on June 12, 2014 at 12:09 pm
      • Reply

      Totally agree with Coincidence. This whole “I heard this from somebody” crap is pretty pathetic. Man (or woman) up! If you have facts, say them. If you have nothing credible, then don’t cite the “chisme”.

    • thinkaboutit on June 11, 2014 at 4:35 pm
    • Reply

    Think about it,
    As soon as a new superintendent is hired Mr. Limon goes to some administrative post with the school district. What will that post be? What will be the salary for that position? Will there be two people making a superintendent’s salary?

      • The Negotiator on June 11, 2014 at 8:51 pm
      • Reply

      The answer to your question,”Will there be two people making a superintendent’s salary?” Yes. The only way this won’t happen is if the board hires someone at a lower salary for this position. The law states that if an individual is doing the job as an interim superintendent, once that position is filled the district would have to pay that individual for six months to a year at that same salary if given a new position with the district. Once again I ask, why doesn’t the board hire a new superintendent now instead of waiting for Mr. Limon’s contract to be up? Why is it going to take that long to find a suitable superintendent? I thought this new board was going to make better decisions as far as spending goes. I know things take time, but what a coincidence that it all seems to be in Mr. Limon’s favor. As far as the insurance goes, the saying is true, if it ain’t broke why fix it. What I’m tired of is all the favoritism that this board was supposedly not going to do? In my opinion, It’s still occurring.

      • Grammar Police on June 11, 2014 at 9:34 pm
      • Reply

      Limon will be head of HR, I believe. There may very well be two people making a Super’s salary, too. That’s the price we pay as taxpayers so Limon doesn’t sue the hell out of us for the travesty the past majority put him through. Hard to sue for damages when he is reinstated, paid the same as before suspension, and paid while suspended.

      Don’t blame this board, blame the last for that. This is part of the price we will pay as a district and taxpayers for the actions of the past majority. Would have been cheaper in the long run had they fired him for cause. But they didn’t have cause. Now we pay for their mismanagement.

      Maybe now all of you can begin to understand part of the damage the past majority caused our district. They suspended Limon without just cause. Like Limon or not, now we pay. Thanks, Yliana and The Puppeteers!


        • Coincidence on June 12, 2014 at 9:39 am
        • Reply

        Nicely put Grammar Police. On a side note, I just want to ask a few question: Does anyone know how SIG was brought on as the insurance carrier? Was it done properly and in accordance with regulations or was it because the past board president said so and it was done? Was it put on the school board agenda as it is now being done or was it done under the table with a previous board president letter mandate? Would someone please remind me of how SIG became the insurance carrier. Hopefully there can be some facts and not hearsay in responses.

        • The Negotiator on June 12, 2014 at 7:27 pm
        • Reply

        So this is the price the taxpayers will have to pay? This is the most ignorant thing I’ve ever heard of. Now, I’m not saying I agree with how the old majority handled Mr. Limon’s suspension, but what can he really sue for; not letting him give his daughter her diploma? Whether Mr Limon’s suspension was right or wrong, he still got paid his salary. The law states that if the board acted within in their duties as a board, then the board cannot be sued, because they would have immunity, whether the board was right or wrong in their decision making. In my humble opinion I believe this board is trying to compensate Limon for what the old board did in the form of a favor, and us taxpayers are once again footing the bill! I’d understand if the old majority had suspended Limon without pay, then yes, that would be a whole different situation, but that was not the case. The thing is, whether you want to admit it or not, Mr. Limon is known for playing the favoritism game, and that is not good for the district either. As for SIG insurance, if this insurance company is saving the district money, why would this board or Mr. Limon be so adamant about changing it back to Bob Trevino? Is it because Trevino contributed to these school board member’s campaign? I believe this is where the “favor for a favor” comes in, and there again who is footing the bill? The taxpayers.

        Truth & Coincidence,
        I am trying to remain hopeful that our newly elected board will turn our district around, but when I see them making these sort of decisions, it’s somewhat disheartening. I am disgusted with your insulting comments on the citizens of SB. Do you not live here? If not, then maybe you shouldn’t be commenting on this blog, because you would also be insulting yourself; unless you think you are above everyone??? As tax payers we have the right to speak up when we see the board making questionable decisions, and this situation with Mr. Limon is just that. I care about my city and school district, and believe that it is time to focus on the children.

          • Coincidence on June 13, 2014 at 1:53 pm
          • Reply


          “The law states that if the board acted within their duties as a board, then the board cannot be sued.” I’m stupid, ignorant, hasty, etc. Please tell me which law this is and also, let me know who decides whether “the board acted within their duties as a board” or “the board did not act within their duties as a board”. Either way, you are still going to have to fork over some cash. What amount? I don’t know. Will it be less than just letting Limon have his way for another year or two? Maybe, maybe not. I just don’t know. Now if this information would be made available, then, maybe we can all come to some agreement. It might have been cheaper to cut ties with Limon and go from there, but I just don’t know. I do know that lawyers charge outrages amounts. I do know that there is also court cost that is involved. And all this is even before any amount of settlement is reached between the parties. So unless you have cold hard facts and numbers, we are just wasting time.

            • The Negotiator on June 14, 2014 at 1:45 pm
            • Reply

            If your so in touch with whats going on,start by reading the by laws for the board. You can find them on the SBCISD website. The thing is since when do we as citizens give an individual the power to do and choose as he or she sees fit. I understand Mr. Limon has the authority to do what is necessary to run the school district in a good working manner. The fact still stands the board is letting him call all the shots whether its right or wrong,and that’s where accountability comes in. For your question should we have let him go at the end of his term? The answer is yes. If the board would move him to his other position then his salary is what that position pays. Get an interim it pays less and temporary, hire a new superintendent negotiate his salary,hire him or her and life goes on. If not Limon stays with same salary if hired as an interim and we pay two superintendent salaries. The thing is we as taxpayers are tired of footing the bill for the decisions someone else makes. We need to put our children first isn’t that why our school district is for,and not for personal gain. There comes a time in life when one says enough is enough. Look at the school district of HGN,LF and La Feria their children are excelling,because the boards are working together for the better of their children.

  12. @Pen,
    I completely agree with you regarding the approach these newly elected board members have taken. As a previous law enforcement office, it’s simple, if these guys want to play dirty there is alway an agency ( FBI,DEA) that will listen to your cases. I’m tired of people always depending on the board puppets and Administration puppets to determine the outcome at their convenience, and ultimately affects our children’s education and it’s been proven for the past 12 years!!! Take a stand people if you have information take it to the next level and assist in cleaning up our trash in our school district…

    • Pen on June 11, 2014 at 12:35 pm
    • Reply

    It is very, very, very clear that this new majority has personal agenda. Sure they claimed the same of the previous 4 majority, but why complain about them when this current 5 is doing the same, if not worse! They have wasted no time in making changes. Now the insurance, is evidence enough of their agenda. Why change something that is not broken? Why don’t you get our feedback as to how we are very satisfied with SIG’s services.
    Also, take the police chief for instance, (yes the man who can barely walk, yet is our chief, go figure) when he was re-assigned he stated, among many, that he would be back after the election. How was this man certain his clan would win ? So now this new board brought him back, to continue covering up for Mr. Limon and others? Unbelievable! I clearly voted for the wrong people and the community is realizing it.

    • Stability For The Children on June 10, 2014 at 10:34 pm
    • Reply

    I agree that we need to relax. I quess what bothered me the most this afternoon while reading the School Board Agenda I did see the an item list for the insurance products going out for bid. My concern is this item comes up right after you get a new group of members. Now, they have a right to put that item in the agenda but it surely makes you wonder why? I find out from within administration that the current carrier saved SBISD over $600K +- from the prior carrier. Secondly, the item is brought forth with NO Loss Ratios to review. s there a huge rate increases coming? Thirdly, NO one ask administration how is the current service from the agent, and the insurance company. Are the employees getting superior service based on the recommendation from administration? I just hate to see unusual moves from administration and board members placing items on an agenda that needs to be reviewed in a workshop or by an insurance committee group, not forced in by the Superintendent. Sometime you think there was a meeting before the meeting. We ALL need to keep an eye on the decisions that are being made and thin outside of the box on why that decision was made and who is going to benefit. I personally will be keeping an eye on all the members and the Superintendent to make sure nothing is being done under the table.

      • Coincidence on June 12, 2014 at 9:25 am
      • Reply

      Why should it bother you? At least they put it on the agenda and not try to do it under the table with some board president letter or mandate stating that as of today we will be switching insurance carrier. Maybe they are just trying to do it the right way and make the switch over to SIG properly and giving other insurance carriers an opportunity to make bids instead of just cutting ties with whom ever and bringing in your buddies as it seemed with the previous board president and that infamous insurance letter scandal.

    • Grammar Police on June 10, 2014 at 3:22 pm
    • Reply

    Roll Over, what is your point? Didn’t this new board reinstate Limon until such time as a new superintendent could be hired? Didn’t the old majority give Limon an acceptable performance evaluation mere months before suspending him for 60+ alleged violations? Your attempt at sarcasm is lost on me.

    I don’t advocate anyone rolling over and playing dead! If there is a legitimate complaint, blurt it out. I have not seen one action by this new board or Limon, since he was reinstated, that should have anyone up in arms…unless, of course, the mere sight of Limon being reinstated or the past majority broken up is too much for some to bear. If those are the basis of your disgruntlement then, by all means, roll over and play dead.

    The reason there is a new majority is because the people in this community tired of witnessing the abuses and poor decisions made by the past majority. Their decisions were so bad that each and every one of their decisions deserve scrutiny, including and especially the insurance coverage. If the insurance is so great, and it fits within the budget, I have to believe this new board will not disturb it for the sake of their own agenda. If they do so unwarranted, I will be the first one screaming and hollering!

    Until then, why don’t we all relax and let these people do the job they were elected to do. If you are a taxpayer, then you should want them scrutinizing all expenditures in order to save you money. Unless, of course, the agenda you’re projecting is really your own.

      • Denny Crane, Jr. on June 11, 2014 at 3:32 pm
      • Reply

      @Grammar Police….. I could not have said it any better, clearer, or to the point.

      famous quote “When you can’t make them see the light, make them feel the heat.”

      should be famous quote “Please, by all means, those that are unhappy with our district as your employer, trade in your five-minute commute for another nearby district.”

      C’est la vie!

    • Puppet on June 10, 2014 at 2:00 pm
    • Reply

    Wow, Bob Trevino is really pulling at their strings. Way to go majority 5 for being submissive and “selling your soul to the devil” as Mr. Padilla stated.

    • Roll over and play dead on June 10, 2014 at 1:11 pm
    • Reply

    Well, I guess Mr/mrs Grammer have decided that we should all roll over and play dead. Yes , your right , board members only fire or hire Superintendents, Board member should over see the whole operations of a school district, if our leader is not performing in a favorable manner, the evaluation on him should reflect the feeling of the board. If any off our board members the new ones and our current member are showing unacceptable decisions, it’s our duty as a paying taxpayer to help the right faction bring in the ignorant voters to help win the next election.

    • Grammar Police on June 10, 2014 at 11:54 am
    • Reply

    Not sure why I’m being attacked and accused as a member of a “coalition.” All I did was use the words their, there and they’re in a sentence to help clarify their correct usage. It’s a shame that’s all some take away from my comment. Clearly some supporters of the past majority board are a little sensitive.

    They’re continuing to spew their venom even after the voters denounced them and removed them from there!

    Yes indeed, it is a sad day in SB when hate and ignorance blind some to the point they can’t get past personal agendas for the best interests of our children. Too many have forgotten, if not for our children, there is no need for health insurance and raises and all the other basic necessities this school district provides to so many families in this community. Every school district exists, not to provide employment and health insurance to employees, but to provide quality education to our children and safeguard their best interests. This fact is lost on some.

    Please, by all means, those that are unhappy with our district as your employer, trade in your five-minute commute for another nearby district. Please. Quit poisoning our community’s psyche and our district. Just removing you malcontents will be a huge step in improving our children’s education and test results.

    • Gimme a break on June 10, 2014 at 8:27 am
    • Reply

    Hey I agree with the Grammar Police. When our principal speaks, it’s double negatives all over the place. It’s embarrassing.

    • Robert on June 9, 2014 at 9:17 pm
    • Reply

    SBCISD Board Members… we need a raise but you have spent all our money… well some of the board members have spent our money… Mr. Padilla and Mr. Mendez please review the budget carefully….. it is time to reward the employees of SBCISD and not the favorites of those other board members.
    And while you are at it… when is the next Budget Meeting so the employees can attend?

    • Why on June 9, 2014 at 9:14 pm
    • Reply

    Why are people questioning the superintendent? The ones they should be asking are the board members.
    They are the ones who vote not the superintendent.
    Get a clue again San Benito… you voted for them.

    • CC Watcher on June 9, 2014 at 3:47 pm
    • Reply

    Welcome back Mr. Limon! Its too bad that you had to go through all of this BS because of a school board president in Gonzalez and her cronies. I felt for you when you couldn’t give your daughter her diploma because of them. Its now about getting back to the way it should be and show them that made the “WRONG AND COSTLY” decisions that did not but cause heartache for the SBCISD. Maybe now, you can reappoint Chief S. Garcia so he can get that department in order. The other person that is running it, is not exactly doing his job! Again, welcome back!

    • on June 9, 2014 at 2:46 pm
    • Reply

    Sorry for the grammar issue, but for the record I hope our board continues to strive to make things better for all. It does appears by your comments that you a one sided person, and you probably have your head in the sand. I am looking at big picture, and also thinking out side of the box and asking WHY on certain changes. Sometime it looks kike deals were made under the table after the election just to hurt people. As a tax paying citizen I can brag that I have NO strings attached to me, and NO one pulls my chain. Can you really say that about you?

  13. @Grammar Police,
    Seriously your missing the whole point of the blog and once again protecting the current- coalition(5-2).. Yes, I agree there’s a few Grammatical errors but the point has been made and I applaud those tax payers and employees for voicing their concerns. I also agree that we as a community need to take back our town and school district and not let these self-centered puppets destroy it. Also just a quick reminder “Grammar Police” several of your so called coalition don’t have an education, what example are you setting to our children… Voted STUPID AND WE WILL PAY THE PRICE!!!!

    • VIOLA LUZ on June 9, 2014 at 11:11 am
    • Reply


    • WeThePeople on June 7, 2014 at 3:58 pm
    • Reply

    While the Texas Rangers are investigating, they should take a long look at the City of San Benito! Our new Mayor will need all the help she can get cleaning up a generation of corruption! She still has some very bad actors there she will have to deal with. The good news??? She is the smartest person in the room, by far! And she has integrity! WOW. A two-fer.

    • TRUTH on June 7, 2014 at 1:45 pm
    • Reply


    Hahaha!! You are delusional! Mr. Limon needs to correct all the crap the other board members left behind!!
    Additionally, I am sure that when the FEDS get involved it’s going to be to investigate the OLD board majority!
    And believe me, I CAN’T WAIT FOR THAT!!!!!!!

  14. The insurance situation has come up just weeks after the new board took over and Lioms reinstatement. We the staff of SBCISD are very grateful for this wonderful insurance we have now compared to the previous Bob Trevino insurance coverage. SIG puts the employees as priority and allows us to save money! Mind you we haven’t gotten a raise in years… This whole new board along with Limon are showing their true colors( agenda) and the reason why they wanted office was to do exactly what their doing now, taking advantage of their position for personal gain. These poeple are so transparent it fun but ridiculous! We need to take a stand and fight for our voice and not let these self centered folks take advantage of us! Remember folks we put you their and we should petition to get you guys out..
    Where is the FBI,DEA, TEA or Texas Rangers to investigate all this trash…

      • Grammar Police on June 8, 2014 at 7:24 am
      • Reply


      As a self-proclaimed member of a school district staff I am appalled you don’t know the difference. The FBI and TEA called us to address your assault on the English language and explain the difference.

      Leave the new board alone — they’re doing their job. See there?!

      Wish this new board or Superintendent would require every staff member in all schools to write a thousand-word essay detailing their job function, and complete it in 60-90 minutes. Those who exhibit such poor command of vocabulary and grammar should be immediately terminated. That would be the first step in improving the quality of our children’s education: ridding our district of those incapable of teaching our children because they lack the necessary skills themselves.

      • Up your alley on June 9, 2014 at 8:33 am
      • Reply

      I agree. It is very obvious that this current majority has and agenda. They are not wasiting any time making changes and moving people around. Under what motive is SIG going to be removed? They are a great insurance and have helped me in my medical needs tremendously. These board members need to put their personal agenda’s aside and start thinking about the employees. You all keep changing insurance’s at our expense!

      I hope that what happened in La Joya doesn’t happen here. SIG needs to sue the district like in La Joya.

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