Rotary Club to donate Thanksgiving boxes to families

Shown are Rotarians Rosie Garcia, Lali Betancourt, Janie Silva, Celeste Sanchez, and Olivia Rivas with their Thanksgiving donations. (Photo Courtesy of Olivia Rivas)


The Rotary Club of San Benito will donate thanksgiving boxes to in-need families with children attending elementary school at San Benito CISD.
The club partnered with SBCISD to donate three turkeys to three families at each of the eleven elementary schools. The box of donations will include a turkey and other canned sides dishes such as corn, yams, and cranberry sauce. The meals will have to be prepared by the families.
According to Olivia Rivas, the President of the San Benito Rotary Club, school administrators decided which families were in most need.
The club and school district are still deciding on a date to deliver the donations. However, Rivas said the date should be either Wednesday or Thursday of the upcoming week.

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