School board discusses street repairs and forensic audit matters

In session
Shown is the SBCISD Board of Trustees during a board meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 5.
(Courtesy photo)


On Oct. 6, the San Benito CISD Board of Trustees held a special board meeting and passed a resolution for a formal request for street repairs and discussed the creation of a subcommittee relating to an external forensic audit.
Street Repair
Board President Ramiro Moreno asked why a resolution needed to be passed instead of a conversation between city leaders and school administration.
“What the city manager recommended to me was that the board formally request the city commission to approve paving of that road,” answered SBCISD Superintendent Dr. Nate Carman.
The resolution formally asks the City of San Benito to repair Utex Drive—which houses the school district’s Transportation and Maintenance Department—because it is used daily by the district and the public. According to the resolution, Utex Drive frequently experiences flooding and has become unsafe and costly to drive on.
A motion to approve the resolution was made by Trustee Janie Lopez and was seconded by Trustee Rudy Corona. The resolution passed unanimously.
Forensic Audit
During the meeting, Moreno recommended the board create a subcommittee related to a forensic investigation with three members—himself, Janie Lopez, and Corona—on the subcommittee.

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