Commission discusses possible improvements to community center


During a San Benito City Commission meeting, which occurred on April 20, the commission discussed possible improvements to the San Benito Community Building located at 210 E Heywood St., adjacent to the San Benito Cultural Heritage Museum.
Aleida Garcia, the San Benito Cultural Heritage Museum Coordinator, presented the item.
The improvements to the community building would be done in multiple phases. The first phase of the proposed project would focus on the exterior. Aleida Garcia explained the proposed improvements would be a new storefront entry, brick repair, glass repair, a repair of leaks found at an existing office door, and glass tile accent repair. They estimated the total repair of the proposed project phase would cost about $30,000. However, this does not include architects, engineers, contractors etc. A rendering of the community building was done by Megamorphosis Inc.
City Manager Manuel De La Rosa discussed a bond in 2007 that was made to be used for 12 items; one of the items included San Benito plaza and community building improvements. According to De La Rosa, there currently is about $220,000 left of the 2007 bond.
Commissioner Rene Garcia argued that phase one of the project should be more extensive than what was proposed.
San Benito Mayor Ricardo Guerra was on board with the proposed project, but wants to be careful with the funds in the 2007 bond.
“I’m in agreement that the building needs to be upgraded, but I’m not just going to give all $200,000 for that building itself,” Guerra said.

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