CONSIDER THIS: What we have here is failure to communicate

Managing Editor

Michael Rodriguez

Michael Rodriguez

It’s not uncommon for people to feel a little intimidated, even downright threatened by the media. This apprehension usually leads to miscommunication. Simply put, all too often have relatively harmless questions posed to interviewees by reporters elicited reactions that adversely affected the tone of an article.

Case in point: the San Benito National Bronco League.

When our lead reporter contacted Jerry Hernandez, president of the Harlingen National Bronco League, to inquire about his involvement in San Benito youth baseball and softball activities … well, let’s just say he was not the happiest of campers.

“I heard you guys are taking over the San Benito league, can you tell me more about that,” our reporter asked, to which an annoyed Jerry replied in a raised voice, “Nobody is taking over your league!” After informing the reporter that he was tired of fielding questions from San Benitians apparently concerned about “Harlingen taking over,” Jerry questioned whether the San Benito News had also received any complaints.

Now, I can understand why someone may misinterpret a question involving the words “taking over.” Maybe Jerry thought we implied this takeover was hostile in nature, even though it’s quite the stretch given the fact that the reporter made his inquiries in a casual and polite manner. It’s also worth noting that we’re somewhat aggressive in our style of reporting and would have inquired about any concerns directly. It’s not our style to cowardly ask questions about potentially controversial matters in a roundabout way.

Still, taking into consideration what may have been Jerry’s lack of experience with the media, the reporter gave him the benefit of the doubt and explained that we had not received any concerns and only planned to inform the public about who to call, where to go and what is needed to register children in the SBNBL. We also planned to report the events that led the City of San Benito, which introduced the San Benito Youth Baseball-Softball Organization last year, to allow the HNBL president to operate the league under the SBNBL name.

These explanations did not deter Jerry, however, from continuing to express irritation with the reporter’s questions – a total of about three or four when given the opportunity to speak. What I find ironic is that, in his attempts to distract from the negative, all Jerry ended up doing was inadvertently highlight the concerns and criticisms that we would have otherwise never known existed. It suffices to say that the article that ran, entitled “SB youth league under new direction,” was consequently affected by Jerry’s defensive tone. His comments gave the impression that the league, or perhaps the events that transpired leading to the SBYBSO-to-SBNBL transition, needed defending. This is evident in the reaction the article has received; for instance, one commenter on the website questioned, “I wonder what the real story is really behind this?”

Ladies and gentleman, you’ve just witnessed the birth of a controversy – born from absolutely nothing but fear and trepidation.

Enter Zeke Luna, chairman of the City of San Benito Parks and Recreation Board that was responsible for operating the SBYBSO last year. Zeke submitted a letter to the editor in the Feb. 13 midweek edition to clarify Jerry’s statements, such as the notion that San Benito needed “a favor to fix the league.” It’s not that Zeke held any animosity toward Jerry, but indirectly implying that the city’s league was somehow broken will quite clearly prompt a response.

I’d like to think that all is resolved now that I’ve spoken to Jerry and offered my advice on how to avoid such a mess, but that remains to be seen. It suffices to say that I remain optimistic of future communiqués. The league deserves as much.

In the meantime, consider this a lesson that even the most educated people in the highest positions of power have yet to learn. Speaking to elected officials, administrators of governing agencies and those who provide a public service to the community, it’s imperative that your relationship with the media is not strained. Listen closely, especially you, San Benito CISD Board of Trustees: your comments to us will make or break you, and to ignore the media is to ignore the people.

Read this story in the Feb. 17 edition of the San Benito News, or subscribe to our E-Edition by clicking here.

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    • wendy on February 18, 2013 at 2:31 pm
    • Reply

    Mr. Editor, Great words to the SBCISD Board Members. Let us all hope as taxpayers they pay attention to your words. Let us see if they care.

    • Alvin on February 17, 2013 at 5:07 pm
    • Reply

    Mr. Editor, Your statement: Listen closely, especially you, San Benito CISD Board of Trustees: your comments to us will make or break you, and to ignore the media is to ignore the people. Is right on target!
    Thank you for saying this. We are getting tired of this “no comment” “not accessible” board members. Please stay on this trail. It is going to become a circus at the next board meeting and this fine district is going down the tubes. How dare they even be talking about removing Mr. Medrano. He represents our voice. I know that they are reading your comments.

    • Yolanda on February 17, 2013 at 1:01 pm
    • Reply

    Going after the insurance agent again? Did the board president not learn the first time? Those board members who vote with her are most definitely going to get a visit from TEA. Don’t think so, just watch. The board president is taking this district down the hole. Even another district up the valley, is behaving better than those 4!
    Mr. Editor, see if she talks to you now. Or how about their new spokesperson, June. Who is up,for election in a year.
    Hope you get her thoughts before the meeting.

    • Richard on February 16, 2013 at 11:21 pm
    • Reply

    I read the posted agenda. They are going after insurance agent again. Insurance part 2 …,

    • Embarassment on February 16, 2013 at 1:34 pm
    • Reply

    Good job Mr. Editor. The board president, along with her SBCISD director(s) buddies, created that INSURANCE MESS almost a year ago and yet she has not been held responsible because those 4 cover for each other. EMBRASSING EMBARASSING EMBARASSING !! Then they let go of the best law firm SBCISD has had. WE ARE WATCHING and so are the CAMERAS. Dinner anyone.

    • WeThePeople on February 16, 2013 at 12:28 am
    • Reply

    Good job, Editor.. Unfortunately, in the case of the San Benito CISD Board of Trustees, I’m not sure they will listen to anyone, except to the voices in their heads. They will continue to ignore the people.

    • Reforming San Benito on February 15, 2013 at 10:55 pm
    • Reply

    In my experience, people who act defensive when questioned about their position are either 1) unsure of what they’re doing, 2) blindly following someone else without really knowing why, or 3) completely up to no good. Those who hide from the opportunity to present their position and/or offer “No comment,” are usually dishonest cowards acting on all three premises.

    • That girl on February 15, 2013 at 10:49 pm
    • Reply

    Mr. Editor excellent point. The SBCISD Board of Trustees were elected by the voters. We suggest that they pay attention and notice that we are not happy with their actions. They, by the actions of 4 board members (the relatives, Los FRESNOS CISD principal and “I can place an ad in the paper” ), have begun to take this district down a very bad path. By the time August comes around, there will be staff cuts, program cuts, and NO RAISES. The morale of the district staff is low, administrators are having to second guess their actions lest a board member call the superintendent to complain about them and demand he does something. And the biggest yet: making plans to remove the high school principal. Those 4 board members love to talk and talk to their “close friends”. The talking and talking is the talk of the schools and departments. They need to be reminded that we know exactly what they are doing. Educated we are and we cannot wait for May 2014.

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